I love the books. I jest loves em! Though I find I read in cycles - sometimes a lot, other times - not so much. Sometimes I can power through a book in half a day, other times, it takes months. Some go forever unfinished. Others re-read frequently. Here's some of my favorites, past, present and future. Enjoy!

I had the pleasure of seeing Deepak Chopra speak here in Victoria this February (06). I love how he weaves together the most cutting edge science with the most profound wisdom and spirituality. He clearly believes in God, and I'm excited to know his lessons around knowing God better.
There's few women I'd rather meet than Oriah Mountain Dreamer - her work touches my soul, and her ability to integrate spirituality and connectedness amidst the everyday pace really speaks to me. I've bought more copies of this cook as gifts than any other - check out her site here.
Soul Stories by Gary Zukav is a collection of true tales that speak to themes such as "Reincarnation," "A Higher Form of Reasoning," "Psychic Archaeology," "The New Female," and "Universal Humans". This book is a blending of Eastern religions with a generous helping of real experiences and a pinch of Christianity. A great book, with really interesting stories!
The Conversations With God trilogy has had perhaps a greater impact on my belief systems than any book or education I've experienced to date. The material therein resonated with me at such a level that I have adopted much of it's content as my truth. Regardless your beliefs, the lessons herein and subsequent ponderings are invaluable, and collectively, enacted, would change the world.

Sark is forever a breath of fresh air. The kid-like format and guru-like content are a nice blend, with beautiful illustrations and lots of great daily reminders and practices to enhance your creativity and enliven your daily grind.